Tuesday 2 June 2020

Day 71: Kane and Lynch: Dead Men (Xbox360)

My ongoing efforts to play one title from my 566 game backlog for every day that the UK is in lockdown...

A really shit game

Kane and Lynch: Dead Men for the Xbox 360
Previous days' entries can be read HERE

Is it a 'getting old' thing that makes me not like killing police in video games? 
I've played about an hour of Kane and Lynch and the small amount of time I've actually been in control of the character has been spent murdering dozens upon dozens of officers of the law.

The first time I ever remember feeling this way was playing 'The Getaway' on PS2 back when it was new. 
I think it's something that has come hand in hand with not just my advancing years, but also the mediums improving graphics. 
From the start of gen 7 onward it's been possible to imagine that the old cop I just headshot had grandchildren, that woman cop has fought tooth and nail for respect all her life and now her brains are all over that middle-aged '2 days to retirement' captain cop's shoes, which are 12 yards from his pelvis.

I don't like it. And I don't like Kane and Lynch.

It's really tempting to end this write up there but I guess I should explain why.

I don't need to look at the date on the box to know that this is a product of that mid 00's era where games were at their most 'bro' and their most intent on being as much like movies as possible.

Kane and Lynch has many aspects that lean into these tendencies. 
There's an abundance of cutscenes that aren't entertaining, an abundance of swearing that makes everyone sound like teenagers, an abundance of dialogue that sounds like a five year old's idea of what grown ups arguing sound like, and a minimalist HUD to make everything more 'realistic'.



I really can't be bothered. 

Kane and Lynch is a terrible game, it's not worth my time to write any more about it. 

It feels sluggish and inaccurate to play, some of the key mechanics are broken, the cinematic aspects are terrible, and it's just generally no fun to spend any time with.

Kane and Lynch: Dead Men - Just don't bother.

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