Wednesday 9 October 2013

Setting myself up for a fall...

So I've made a mistake, quite a big one.

As I said before, I'm going through all these games deleting the ones that don't make the grade.
I'm also deleting files that are duplicated. It's not unusual to see several 'revisions' of the same piece of software in Mame, and I don't like the clutter...

As a prison security guard in the the Simpsons once said. "Well, I'm an idiot."

Now I knew that sometimes Mame games needed more than one file to work - at least - that's what I'm telling myself...

Basically I now have the the occasional game in my 'keeps' folder that doesn't load anymore because I deleted the "Parent" that makes it work - Whoops.

It's not really the end of the world, I was planning to play through of all the selected games again to set up the controls to match what I will have available on the cabinet - now, when I do this, I can also spot the games I've broken and reinstate the missing files.
Emuparadise lists which roms are required to run reach game on their pages, so their site will be an invaluable tool in redressing this cock-up.
'Invaluable' sounds like it should mean the opposite of what it does mean...

Edit: In other news - I've spent the first money from my budget.
This morning I ordered the USB encoder for the Joystick and buttons - They're coming from China so it'll be a while before I see it.

It comes with 13 cables... this is strange number... I'm a tad concerned that they are only providing enough for 6 buttons and a spare...

But anyway...

I guess I'm officially underway really...

Total Budget:                    £50
USB Encoder                   £10.18
Remaining Project Fund:   £39.82

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